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Clean Eating, Simply Explained

Most people have heard about how we should be eating clean, described as “holistic eating”. All good, but what is all the noise about and is it all worth it?
We try to break it down and give simple tips to make it easier to understand.

Bamboozled by the buzz around ‘superfoods’? Do you ask yourself whether buying organic is really worth the extra cost? And what on earth are chia seeds and noni berries?  There are so many benefits to eating clean and getting back to basics with nutrition – you’ll lose weight, have more energy, sleep better and guard yourself against disease.

Clear skin, healthy hair and glistening eyes are also far more affected by what you put in your body than whatever expensive face cream or hair tonic you use.

Researchers are saying that we should be spending more time and money at the local farmers market rather than the cosmetic counter. There is no need to pay hundreds of your hard-earned dollars for a daily supply of collagen drinks to have beautiful skin and look ageless.
A fairly cheap bunch of organic spinach has enough collagen to boost production of new skin cells that will keep skin firm, helps to provide healthy hair, bright eyes, and strong nails.

Seven simple tips you can apply to your clean eating

First, what is clean eating?

Basically, clean eating is about limiting the number of processed foods in your diet and becoming more conscious about where your food comes from. A basic rule? If it comes in a packet and has more than four ingredients or a huge list of numbers, it’s probably not good for you.  Prioritise unrefined, unprocessed real foods and minimize processed foods that are full of with preservatives, artificial sugar, and fat.

  1. Use the 80/20 rule

Foods that contain food additives, pesticides, refined and chemically foods are foreign to the body and put unnecessary stress on the liver’s detoxification processes. But in today’s modern society, it can be hard to totally cut out fatty, sugary foods (and let’s be honest, some taste really good!) So instead of being wracked with guilt every time you indulge, go for the 80/20 rule.

Eat with a halo 80% of the time and give yourself some space to indulge the other 20% of the time. Throw out fad diets for good, and instead, if you feel like indulging a little, do it!

  1. When you indulge, make it good quality

If you are going to have some chocolate, dairy or fatty foods (which are all known to promote inflammation) go for the highest quality you can afford. Yes, it will be more expensive, but you’re more likely to eat less and savor it more. And the ingredients will be much better quality, and it will taste great!

  1. Cut down on sugar and ‘fat-free’

Nowadays, sugar is everywhere and that includes pretty much everything that is ‘fat-free’ as well – including breakfast cereals, bread, biscuits, sauces…  The list goes on.

Sugar is blamed for everything from compromising your immune system and causing bloating, causing skin problems, weight gain, and mood swings, and people that have cut down or completely eliminated sugar repeatedly report it’s one of the best decisions they’ve ever made. Sugar actively ages you by speeding up the degradation of elastin and collagen, two key skin proteins. If a sweetener is absolutely necessary, use Stevia as chemical sweeteners can trigger a blood sugar fluctuation.

  1. If it doesn’t grow, don’t eat it

We all know we should be eating more fruit and vegetables. But while eating more of these whole foods has the benefit of providing your body with essential nutrients and vitamins, you’ll also be crowding out the bread, cheeses, sweets and other refined foods. Changing up your diet and increasing your vegetables infuses your skin with live phytonutrients – and this is what will make your skin glow.

  1. Read the label

Next time you go to the supermarket, read the ingredient list. You may be shocked to discover a long list of numbers – and maybe you have no idea what they mean! Instead, try to stick to the 4 ingredients or less rule. If it has more than four numbers, it means it is probably loaded with colors and preservatives. If it’s a tin of pasta sauce you want, why not consider making your own from scratch? It will probably taste better too!

  1. Buy organic

There’s been a lot of buzz around organic food, but it can be hard to justify why you should be paying more. There are advocates for both sides of the argument, but you may be shocked once you start taking a good look at the pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides that our fruit and veg are subjected to before it hits the shelves.

Organic, locally grown food is usually higher in nutrients, uses practices that support our natural environment, is not exposed to gas ripening and lessens your exposure to antibiotics. It also lasts longer! One week, try and buy just one item of organic – it might be your apples, carrots or spinach- and taste the difference.

  1. Make each meal a ‘rainbow’

An easy way to know if you’re getting enough of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals is to try and make each meal a rainbow of color – with greens, yellows, oranges, and purples.

Also use herbs and spices like cinnamon, garlic, ginger, cumin, turmeric, oregano, basil, thyme and cilantro in your cooking (fresh is always best) and swap out your iodinated table salt for sea salt.

Complications diabetes may bring

If the tests show that one has diabetes, extensive knowledge about this illness can help people cope and manage their lives. They can also help those who don’t have it yet to be more careful and to avoid the illness by following a controlled diet and an exercise program.

However, apart from having extensive knowledge of the disease such as its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, I believe it also pays to know if there would be related complications. This is to prepare the diabetes sufferer emotionally and physically about the possibilities of coping, not just with diabetes but other complications like love ones, other family members, friends, and colleagues.

Researchers and medical experts have found that there are certain factors that

contribute to a person acquiring diabetes like age, heredity, and ethnicity. But despite the risk factors, the associated complications would still be the same.

The list below gives a more extended view of the complications diabetes sufferers must pay attention to:

  1. Diabetic kidney disease

This is the most common complication among diabetes sufferers because the filtering components of the kidneys are being damaged.

Once the kidney filtering units have been damaged, important proteins in the blood are being allowed to pass along with urine into the bladder. Therefore, after prolonged periods of this condition, the kidneys will eventually stop removing the waste products present in the blood and become unhealthy.

One good thing is that not all diabetics experience End-Stage Kidney Disease (ESRD) which can be life-threatening. To avoid this complication, one must stop smoking cigarettes and always keep the blood pressure under control at all times.

  1. Heart Disease and stroke

Medical experts say that people who have diabetes have greater risks of having heart diseases and stroke because the fatty deposits brought by radical changes in the body can block the arteries. Due to the smaller amount of insulin in the body compared to normal people, diabetics have a higher incidence of blood clotting and can also lead to high blood pressure or hypertension. In fact, these complications are the lead causes of death among diabetics all over the world.

  1. Diabetic eye disease

There relates to several eye problems that diabetic people may end up having as a result of the chronic disease.

In the worst case these eye problems like diabetic retinopathy (damaged vessels of the eye’s retina), cataract, cloudiness in the lens of the eyes, glaucoma and increased fluid pressure inside the eye that damages the optic nerve. When these problems are not caught in time and not monitored properly can lead to total loss of vision and/or blindness.

  1. Diabetic neuropathy

This is a type of nerve damage that occurs when one has diabetes. High blood sugar can injure nerve fibers throughout your body, but diabetic neuropathy most often damages nerves in your legs and feet.

Depending on the affected nerves, symptoms of diabetic neuropathy can range from pain and numbness in your extremities to problems with your digestive system, urinary tract, blood vessels and heart. For some people, these symptoms are mild; for others, diabetic neuropathy can be painful, disabling and even fatal.


Diabetics who are still smoking, drinking heavily and those who have poor management with their glucose are more prone to developing neuropathy compared to those diabetics who are not into these bad habits.

  1. Gastroparesis

This a condition in which the muscles in the stomach don't function normally.

Ordinarily, strong muscular contractions propel food through your digestive tract, but in gastroparesis, the muscles in the wall of your stomach work poorly or not at all. This prevents your stomach from emptying properly. Gastroparesis can interfere with digestion, cause nausea and vomiting, and cause problems with blood sugar levels and nutrition.

There is no cure for gastroparesis. Making changes to your diet may help you cope with gastroparesis signs and symptoms, but that's not always enough. Medications may offer some relief, but some can cause serious side effects.

Researchers and medical experts have found that 20% to 30% type 1 diabetic sufferers are more prone to this complication because the “vagus nerve” is damaged due to the high sugar content in the blood.

Although it is also diagnosed among those who have "type 2 diabetes" the cases are comparatively lower.

What type of diabetes will you get or currently have?

Type 1 diabetes

Starting with type 1 diabetes which is also known as "juvenile diabetes" or "insulin-dependent diabetes" is considered to be the least common type of diabetes there is.

Medical experts say that it is an *autoimmune disease of the immune system, the same system that makes the body's defense and shields against infection. The reaction will be similar to an “allergy” putting the immune system out of working order, thus savaging the cells located in the pancreas which are responsible for producing the **insulin needed to control and/or break down the sugar in the foods we eat.

*Autoimmune - caused by the reaction of an antibody to substances that occur naturally in the body.
**Insulin - is the important agent that breaks down the sugar in the foods we eat.

Given that people with type 1 diabetes have the inability to make insulin and need it to continue living; a regular supply of insulin 24/7 is needed. Unfortunately, children and young adults are prone to this type of diabetes, but it can occur at any age or can be a result of an illness.

Type 1 diabetes sufferers show characteristics such as starting to be thirsty more regular, urinating more often and drastic weight loss.

Type 2 diabetes

This type of diabetes is also known as "non-insulin-dependent diabetes, mellitus" and "adult onset diabetes". The main difference from the type 1 diabetes to type 2 diabetes is the ability to make insulin. However, the amount produced is not enough for the body to use it efficiently.

Type 2 diabetes is considered as the more common type of diabetes, which usually develops among people who are more than 40 years of age, are overweight or obese and those that have an inactive lifestyle.

It’s a progressive disease that can also give the sufferer the characteristics of thirstiness, repeat urination, and loss of weight. In the more advanced cases if not treated properly can also lead to more severe complications similar to type 1 diabetes, like diseases of the heart, the kidneys, the eyes which will eventually cause blindness and the amputation or loss of limbs.

Gestational diabetes

This type mainly develops during pregnancy. Although most of the time this type of diabetes ends after giving birth, there are also those cases in some women that develop this type of diabetes as they get older.

Gestational diabetes, though it is mainly common among pregnant women it should be monitored because there's a big chance of leading to type 2 diabetes.

Want to Better Your Brain Performance?

I think that this is common knowledge that as we age we seem to lose brain performance and the memory deteriorates. However, young people can also have this problem; aging is only one of the causes there are other factors. therefore if you are concerned or interested in this subject check the tips below to slow or even better your brain performance.

Try to have more relaxation periods

Best way to save your memories is to stay away from stress; I know in today's society its easier said than done. stress situations can trigger the release of the stress hormone cortisol. researchers have known for some time that elevated levels of cortisol will interfere with learning and memory. In fact, the area of the brain where it handles recent memories may even become smaller. Try to relax more often to try and release the tension from your body.

Stop cigarette smoking smoking

Cigarettes will affect the blood flow in your veins and arteries thus reducing the quantity of blood reaching your brain. Oxygenated blood with nutrients that the brain needs to function at its peak will be reduced affecting memory recall.

No brain toxins

Drugs in general whether illegal or legal can harm the brains function. there is normally a good reason why illegal drugs are illegal they will cause harm not only to your brain but other organs in your body. However, legal drugs if abused, can also cause harm; always follow the recommended doses. Using legal drugs for long periods can also have an effect on the brain function; if you need to take drugs for long periods ask your doctor about the effects of brain function.

Eating healthy

Although you may think that this is a no-brainer you would be surprised at the diets that some people have. in today's now society people don't have time to prepare or think of the nutrients in the food they eat. therefore if the brain is deprived of certain nutrients it may have an effect on its function. beyond this article but try to have a balanced diet of:
1. Good fats
2. Proteins
3. Good carbohydrates
If you have to buy premade food read the label and see what the ingredients are. don't be fooled by the taste as it can very easily be manipulated in the lab.

Brain exercises

Researchers have found that by using certain techniques you may improve your thinking and memory skills. The brain is also an organ that can be revitalized thus finding these techniques will help us improve our brain function. getting the brain working on educational activities will help to energize its capabilities. try crossword or other similar puzzles it makes your brain think and this is a form of exercise that will make your brain function better but if there is no effect it will at least prevent it from deteriorating.

Protect your head

You could do all the right things to improving the brain power but if you receive a head injury it may affect the normal function of the brain. Sometimes small knocks can put the brain under stress and should be avoided. Although they may be minor repeated knocks will accumulate and eventually will damage the brain. Therefore, when playing some physical sports or cycling use a good quality helmet. The type of genes we have determined the brain ability but maintaining its health is the key to slow mental deterioration.

Listen To What Your Body Is Trying To Tell You

One of the wonderful things that our body can do is to heal itself. Of cause, we require treatment from time to time, but the body when treated right has the capability to fix itself. Usually, all it takes is to pay attention to exactly what the body is informing us.
Normally, there is not a lot that we can do when our body is in pain and we need a convenience area for relieve or the belly is grumbling for the next meal. However, often when there is discomfort, like a headache, the normal course of action is to take some pain medicine to mask the discomfort so we can function more normally.

Paying attention to what our body is informing us would certainly protect against a whole lot of ailments from getting even worse. Taking painkillers is a short-lived yet comfort remedy, but keep in mind that if the pain persists the best way to keep it under control in the future is to understand exactly, the what and the why of the cause. Unfortunately, when the reason for the discomfort can’t be determined and it still persists after several hours it will make us take more painkillers. However, one very important thing to be aware here is the amount of chemical deposits that will settle in the liver from taking medicines and overtime time these chemicals will start to bleach into the colon disrupting its function and generating many more significant health problems. Learning how to pay attention and understand the messages that our body is telling us is crucial.

Understanding sensations and feelings
Don’t ignore the signals that our body is trying to tell us that something is not right, like:

  • being drowsy,
  • lethargic or sluggish,
  • sudden weight gain or sudden weight loss,
  • change in body temperature,
  • mood swings,
  • blood stress and
  • pulse rate

These are among the few that can be observed and could be measured with certainty. When you feel these signals the body is telling us that something is not working well.

Taking energy drinks, resting, relaxing, taking antacids are some of the things that we normally do, but all these have temporary effects. When the feeling of sluggishness or drowsiness for example persists, there is no amount of energy drink that could restore the body to normal function. All the soothing actions taken are temporary solutions, but will not cure the illnesses. It only masks the effects temporarily and masking the effects in some cases could be terribly dangerous.

Identify the cause
Let’s make this clear, what eventually cures the illness is the identification of the cause of the pain or discomfort. Once the cause is identified, the solution to treat it (unless it’s a serious ailment) can be easier and will avoid repeating the same pain or discomfort to happen again. Try to make a conscious effort to sit back, think a while, and decide on matters that will work best for you and those that will not. Don’t get caught taking temporary measures and becoming dependent on them; it will make matters worse.

The important message here is to live the best healthy life one can and learn to listen to what the body is telling us. Our dependence on costly temporary cover-ups and help from health care professionals will be minimal and thus lessen the intake of chemicals into our body.

Articles – General

We will be adding interesting articles under this post heading. They will mainly be about health and better wellness.


What is diabetes?

Anyone who thinks that may be a candidate for diabetes or may already have the disease should start to understand and become familiar with this illness.

Medical experts report that diabetes is a chronic disease that will develop among people who have the inability to use the glucose in the food they eat to be used as energy. Therefore, diabetes will develop when the glucose stays in the bloodstream for a long period of time bringing potential harm to the person's other organs such as the eyes, kidneys, heart, and even the nerve system.

Once a certain amount of information is gathered about diabetes and how this disease develops one should start to learn the kinds of diabetes that are known by medical experts.

Up to the present time research has found to be three major types of diabetes:

  • Type 1 diabetes,
  • Type 2 diabetes and
  • Gestational diabetes.

To know what they are and what the differences are from one type to another will help people who may be prone to diabetes to focus on trying to manage their condition.