Clean Eating, Simply Explained

Clean Eating, Simply Explained

Most people have heard about how we should be eating clean, described as “holistic eating”. All good, but what is all the noise about and is it all worth it?
We try to break it down and give simple tips to make it easier to understand.

Bamboozled by the buzz around ‘superfoods’? Do you ask yourself whether buying organic is really worth the extra cost? And what on earth are chia seeds and noni berries?  There are so many benefits to eating clean and getting back to basics with nutrition – you’ll lose weight, have more energy, sleep better and guard yourself against disease.

Clear skin, healthy hair and glistening eyes are also far more affected by what you put in your body than whatever expensive face cream or hair tonic you use.

Researchers are saying that we should be spending more time and money at the local farmers market rather than the cosmetic counter. There is no need to pay hundreds of your hard-earned dollars for a daily supply of collagen drinks to have beautiful skin and look ageless.
A fairly cheap bunch of organic spinach has enough collagen to boost production of new skin cells that will keep skin firm, helps to provide healthy hair, bright eyes, and strong nails.

Seven simple tips you can apply to your clean eating

First, what is clean eating?

Basically, clean eating is about limiting the number of processed foods in your diet and becoming more conscious about where your food comes from. A basic rule? If it comes in a packet and has more than four ingredients or a huge list of numbers, it’s probably not good for you.  Prioritise unrefined, unprocessed real foods and minimize processed foods that are full of with preservatives, artificial sugar, and fat.

  1. Use the 80/20 rule

Foods that contain food additives, pesticides, refined and chemically foods are foreign to the body and put unnecessary stress on the liver’s detoxification processes. But in today’s modern society, it can be hard to totally cut out fatty, sugary foods (and let’s be honest, some taste really good!) So instead of being wracked with guilt every time you indulge, go for the 80/20 rule.

Eat with a halo 80% of the time and give yourself some space to indulge the other 20% of the time. Throw out fad diets for good, and instead, if you feel like indulging a little, do it!

  1. When you indulge, make it good quality

If you are going to have some chocolate, dairy or fatty foods (which are all known to promote inflammation) go for the highest quality you can afford. Yes, it will be more expensive, but you’re more likely to eat less and savor it more. And the ingredients will be much better quality, and it will taste great!

  1. Cut down on sugar and ‘fat-free’

Nowadays, sugar is everywhere and that includes pretty much everything that is ‘fat-free’ as well – including breakfast cereals, bread, biscuits, sauces…  The list goes on.

Sugar is blamed for everything from compromising your immune system and causing bloating, causing skin problems, weight gain, and mood swings, and people that have cut down or completely eliminated sugar repeatedly report it’s one of the best decisions they’ve ever made. Sugar actively ages you by speeding up the degradation of elastin and collagen, two key skin proteins. If a sweetener is absolutely necessary, use Stevia as chemical sweeteners can trigger a blood sugar fluctuation.

  1. If it doesn’t grow, don’t eat it

We all know we should be eating more fruit and vegetables. But while eating more of these whole foods has the benefit of providing your body with essential nutrients and vitamins, you’ll also be crowding out the bread, cheeses, sweets and other refined foods. Changing up your diet and increasing your vegetables infuses your skin with live phytonutrients – and this is what will make your skin glow.

  1. Read the label

Next time you go to the supermarket, read the ingredient list. You may be shocked to discover a long list of numbers – and maybe you have no idea what they mean! Instead, try to stick to the 4 ingredients or less rule. If it has more than four numbers, it means it is probably loaded with colors and preservatives. If it’s a tin of pasta sauce you want, why not consider making your own from scratch? It will probably taste better too!

  1. Buy organic

There’s been a lot of buzz around organic food, but it can be hard to justify why you should be paying more. There are advocates for both sides of the argument, but you may be shocked once you start taking a good look at the pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides that our fruit and veg are subjected to before it hits the shelves.

Organic, locally grown food is usually higher in nutrients, uses practices that support our natural environment, is not exposed to gas ripening and lessens your exposure to antibiotics. It also lasts longer! One week, try and buy just one item of organic – it might be your apples, carrots or spinach- and taste the difference.

  1. Make each meal a ‘rainbow’

An easy way to know if you’re getting enough of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals is to try and make each meal a rainbow of color – with greens, yellows, oranges, and purples.

Also use herbs and spices like cinnamon, garlic, ginger, cumin, turmeric, oregano, basil, thyme and cilantro in your cooking (fresh is always best) and swap out your iodinated table salt for sea salt.


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